Proteins Myths

Proteins and why we need them

This macronutrient is the building block for muscles, repairs wounds & tissue, and helps maintain cell and organ health throughout the entire body. So what is it with all the myths associated with Protein?

Myth #1

             The #1 myth associated with protein is that it will make us fat. Did you know that breaking down protein is actually a lot harder than breaking down any other nutrient? Because of this, you will burn more calories than you’ve actually consumed. Which is completely the opposite of what we have learned already. Eating a higher protein diet will actually help you maintain your weight and help with weight loss.

Myth #2

              The second myth associated with protein is that it will make you bulky. Yes, while protein will help you gain muscle it will actually not make you bulky. Stories such as, you must tear the muscle with weight training and exercise for the muscle to repair and come back stronger is simply NOT true. As protein will help you to actually lose weight and help you maintain your current shape.

Myth #3

              Lastly, our third myth is that you must eat a lot of meat to get enough protein into your body. When people think of protein they automatically think of meat. What about all the other forms of protein such as dairy, beans, nuts, and even some grains like quinoa and wild rice?

Great Sources of Protein


First on the list is meat which includes fish, shellfish & chicken. This one is obvious and usually the main go-to.


Next up is dairy which can include milk, cheese, and yogurts. Greek Yogurt has 17g of protein in just one cup. These are great ways to get in protein into snacks.


Don’t forget about your nuts which are also a great source of protein especially if you are always on the go. Black walnuts and almonds are good choices that are high in protein but very low in fat.


Grains are not usually under the protein blanket and they aren’t but actually, if you look closer there are some high protein grains. Those would include Quinoa, whole wheat pasta, wild rice & Kamut wheat for example.


Who doesn’t love beans! They are one of the most complete carbs, high in protein, and fiber, and help to control appetite. Beans also help to reduce heart disease and a bunch more benefits that help with our health. Just this one carb is enough to help you score 39g of protein in one cup of beans. 

Having a high protein diet will actually not make you gain weight, look bulky, or fat. That is simply a myth in itself. If you want to age better and maintain your weight just simply make sure you’re incorporating protein into every meal and snack.